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Sustainable Development and Technologies National Programme of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences



University of Miskolc

Innovative Methods for Sustainable Use of Natural Resources

Project leader:

Szűcs, Péter

Participating researchers:

Mucsi, Gábor; Szunyog, István; Szabó, Norbert Péter; Nagy, Sándor; Madarász, Tamás; Miklós, Rita; Ilyés, Csaba; Killik, Roland; Kovács, Attila; Nádasi, Endre; Siomos, Angelos Sylvester; Turzó, Zoltán; Mohammed Musaab Adam Abbakar; Hemida Mohamed Hamdy Eid; Yetzabbel Gerarda Flores Carpio; Dobróka, Tünde; Somogyiné Molnár, Judit; Vadászi, Marianna; Varga, Gyula; Dócs, Róbert; Dmour Hazim Nayel Abdelfattah; Kovácsné Federer, Gabriella; Kis, László; Tomkóné Nyiri, Katalin; Fóris, Ildikó; Kurusta, Tamás; Márkus, Izabella

Ensuring a sufficient supply of raw materials, energy and water in sufficient quantity and quality is one of the biggest challenges of our time. Reducing dependence on raw materials and energy is a high priority for our country and the world. Therefore, any development that makes progress in the sustainable use of natural resources and in reducing dependency is important. The targeted research programme aims to carry out research in four priority areas with the following hypotheses:

  • Long-term hydrological data series can provide much more information than is currently available from conventional methods. By developing new interpretation methods, we can gain a much more accurate picture of current and potential future changes in the elements of the earth’s hydrological cycle, including our groundwater resources.
  • The application of artificial intelligence-based methods could open up new opportunities for hydrogeophysical method development, with direct applications in water research and geothermal energy.
  • The storage of hydrogen as a renewable energy source in a safe and efficient manner in the subsurface can be addressed.
  • In addition to primary mining deposits, mining and industrial by-products and electronic waste can be an excellent source, in line with the principles of the circular economy.


Sándor Nagy, M. Dojcsák, S. Butylina and M. Sethurajan Mechanical preparation of end of life car light-emitting diodes (LED) front lights ESCC , 2024
Sándor Nagy, Tamás Kurusta, Tege Ficsór, S. Butylina and M. Sethurajan Mechanical preparation of End-of-Life Lithium-ion batteries ESCC , 2024
Alaa Abbadi, Gábor Mucsi A review on complex utilization of mine tailings: Recovery of rare earth elements and residue valorization Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering (Q1), 2024
Eid, Mohamed Hamdy; Eissa, Mustafa; Mohamed, Essam A.; Ramadan, Hatem Saad; Czuppon, György; Kovács, Attila; Szűcs, Péter Application of stable isotopes, mixing models, and K-means cluster analysis to detect recharge and salinity origins in Siwa Oasis, Egypt Groundwater for Sustainable Development (Q1), 2024
Mohamed Hamdy Eid, Ali Shebl, Mustafa Eissa, Essam A. Mohamed, Amr S. Fahil,i, Hatem Saad Ramadang, Mostafa R. Abukhadrab, Ahmed M. El-Sherbeeny, Attila Kovacs, Peter Szucs Comprehensive approach integrating remote sensing, machine learning, and physicochemical parameters to detect hydrodynamic conditions and groundwater quality deterioration in non-rechargeable aquifer systems Heliyon (Q1), 2024
Musaab A.A. Mohammed, Norbert P. Szabó, Roland Kilik, Péter Szűcs Examining innovative unsupervised learning techniques for automated characterization of complex groundwater systems Results in Engineering, 2024
Mohammed, Musaab A. A., Szabó, Norbert P., Alao, Joseph O., Szűcs, Péter Geophysical characterization of groundwater aquifers in the Western Debrecen area, Hungary: insights from gravity, magnetotelluric, and electrical resistivity tomography Sustainable Water Resources Management (Q2), 2024
Mohammed, Musaab A. A., Mohammed, Sarkhel H., Szabó, Norbert P., Szűcs, Péter Geospatial modeling for groundwater potential zoning using a multi-parameter analytical hierarchy process supported by geophysical data Discover Applied Sciences, 2024
Mohamed Hamdy Eid; Ahmed A. Tamma; Omar Saeed; András Székács; Mostafa R. Abukhadra; Ahmed M. El-Sherbeeny; Czímer Bence; Viktoria Mikita; Attila Kovács; Péter Szűcs Advanced approach combines integrated weight water quality index and potential toxic elements for environmental and health risk assessment supported by simulation technique in Oued Souf, Algeria Scientific Reports (D1), 2024
Mária Ambrus; Gábor Mucsi Open-loop recycling of end-of-life textiles as geopolymer fibre reinforcement Waste Management & Research: The Journal for a Sustainable Circular Economy (Q1), 2024
Musaab A. A. Mohammed, Yetzabbel G. Flores , Norbert P. Szabó & Péter Szűcs Assessing heterogeneous groundwater systems: Geostatistical interpretation of well logging data for estimating essential hydrogeological parameters Scientific reports part of Nature Portfolio (D1), 2024
Musaab A. A. Mohammed · Norbert P. Szabó · Péter Szűcs Multi‑step modeling of well logging data combining unsupervised and deep learning algorithms for enhanced characterization of the Quaternary aquifer system in Debrecen area, Hungary Modeling Earth Systems and Environment part of Springer nature (Q1), 2024
Moataz M. G. Abdelrahman; Norbert P. Szabó Integrated workflow incorporating the Hurst exponent and interval inversion for evaluating groundwater formations Hydrogeology Journal (Q1), 2024
Mohamed Hamdy Eid, Mustafa Eissa, Essam A. Mohamed, Hatem Saad Ramadan, Madarász Tamás, Attila Kovács & Péter Szűcs New approach into human health risk assessment associated with heavy metals in surface water and groundwater using Monte Carlo Method Scientific Reports (Q1), 2024
MusaabA.A. Mohammed, Norbert P. Szabó, Yetzabbel G. Flores, Péter Szűcs Multi-well clustering and inverse modeling-based approaches for exploring geometry, petrophysical, and hydrogeological parameters of the Quaternary aquifer system around Debrecen area, Hungary Groundwater for Sustainable Development (Q1), 2024
Musaab A. A. Mohammed, Norbert P. Szabó & Péter Szűcs Joint interpretation and modeling of potential field data for mapping groundwater potential zones around Debrecen area, Eastern Hungary Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica (Q4), 2024
Mekker Julianna, Szűcs Péter Geological, hydrological and hydrogeological overview of Jászság basin Új eredmények a műszaki föld- és környezettudományban, 2023
Szűcs, Péter; Dobróka, Mihály; Turai, Endre; Szarka, László; Ilyés, Csaba; Eid, Mohamed Hamdy; Szabó, Norbert Péter Combined inversion and statistical workflow for advanced temporal analysis of the Nile River’s long term water level records Journal of Hydrology (D1), 2024
Musaab A. A. Mohammed, Yetzabbel G. Flores, Norbert P. Szabó, Péter Szűcs Multi step modeling of well logging data combining unsupervised and deep learning algorithms for enhanced characterization of the Quaternary aquifer system in Debrecen area, Hungary Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (Q1), 2024
Musaab A. A. Mohammed, Yetzabbel G. Flores, Norbert P. Szabó, Péter Szűcs Assessing heterogeneous groundwater systems: Geostatistical interpretation of well logging data for estimating essential hydrogeological parameters Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 7314 (Q1), 2024
Mária Ambrus; Gábor Mucsi Open-loop recycling of end-of-life textiles as geopolymer fibre reinforcement Waste Management & Research (Q1), 2024
Alaa Abbadi, Gábor Mucsi A review on complex utilization of mine tailings: Recovery of rare earth elements and residue valorization Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,Q1, 2024
Szabó, Norbert Péter Hyperparameter inversion of well logs for the simultaneous estimation of volumetric and zone parameters GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 89, NO. 4 (JULY-AUGUST 2024); P. D205–D219, 10.1190/GEO2023-0497.1. (D1), 2024
Yetzabbel G. Flores Mohammed Hamdy Eid, Péter Szűcs, Teodora Szőcs, Tamás Fancsik, János Szanyi, Balázs Kovács, Gábor Markos, Péter Újlaki, Péter Tóth, Richard W. McIntosh and Zoltán Püspöki Integration of geological, geochemical modelling and hydro-dynamic condition for understanding the geometry and flow pattern of the aquifer system Southern Nyírség-Hajdúság, (közlelésre benyújta a Water, MDPI folyóirathoz) folyóirat cikk Q1, 2023
Ilyés Cs. Péter Szűcs, Mihály Dobróka, Endre Turai, László Szarka, Csaba Ilyés, Hemida Mohamed Hamdy Eid, Norbert Péter Szabó Combined inversion and statistical workflow for advanced temporal analysis of the Nile River’s long term water level records Q1 (submitted for publication) , 2023
Szabó N. P. Kilik R., Dobróka M. Robust reservoir identification by multi-well cluster analysis of wireline logging data Heliyon 9 e15957 17 p. Q1, 2023
Tamás Kurusta, Gábor Mucsi; Sanjay Kumar; Ferenc Kristály Carbon-dioxide sequestration by mechanical activation of Linz-Donawitz steel slag; the effect of water on CO2 capture FUEL the science and technology of Fuel and Energyközlésre benyújtva és elfogadva folyóirat cikk Q1, 2023
Mária Ambrus, Gábor Mucsi Advanced processing of high Ca fly ash for enhanced reactivity and improved high value-added application possibilities Case Studies in Contrustion Materials, 2023., Q1, 2023
Szabó, Norbert Péter ; Ilyés, Csaba ; Turai, Endre ; Dobróka, Mihály ; Kilik, Roland ; Miklós, Rita ; Mohamed, Hamdy Eid ; Szűcs, Péter Fourier Transformation and Unsupervised Learning for Extracting Hydrogeological Information from Time Series Data 14th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications : Proceedings Piscataway (NJ), Amerikai Egyesült Államok : IEEE (2023) 183 p. pp. 19-24. , 6 p., 2023



6 June 2023

Miklós R. Lénárt L., Madarász T., Szűcs P.: Application of statistical methods on long data series of the Bükk Karst Water Level Monitoring System (Research on the sustainability of domestic water resources in the framework of the MTA FFT FTA research programme, MTA main hall) – conference presentation


6 June 2023

Szabó N. P. Nádasi E., Ilyés Cs., Szűcs P.: Application of novel hydrogeophysical methods in groundwater research and sustainable use (Research on the sustainability of domestic water resources in the framework of the MTA FFT FTA research programme, MTA Nagyterem) – conference presentation


26 June 2023

Csaba Ilyés: Periodicity of precipitation and groundwater level data (Research on the sustainability of domestic water resources in the framework of the MTA FFT FTA research programme, University of Miskolc) – PhD thesis predefencen